Chiropractic Adjustments

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Our Chiropractic office near Winter Park is available for chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments often require several appointments, depending on the condition and severity of symptoms. The first appointment focuses on consultation and an initial exam, in which Dr. Matthew explores the potential causes of your symptoms and determine if chiropractic care is right for you.

During Your Consultation with
Dr. Matthew

During the consultation, Dr. Matthew may recommend x-rays that reveal the internal structure and alignment of your spine. X-rays can also help Dr. Matthew look for underlying disorders and diseases of the spine, such as spinal deterioration, disc disorders, arthritis of the spine, spinal curvature, bone spurs, and other conditions that respond to chiropractic care.

Depending on what Dr. Matthew finds during the consultation and examination, your next appointment may include chiropractic adjustments, also known as chiropractic manipulation, spinal manipulation, or “an adjustment.” A chiropractic adjustment is a common therapeutic treatment for lower back pain.

The bones of your spine, known as vertebrae, sit on top of each other somewhat like a deck of cards. Flexible joints between the vertebrae help you bend, twist and move in a variety of ways. Nerves extend from your spinal cord through tiny holes in the vertebrae; these nerves help control sensation, movement, and motor coordination in your arms, legs, and throughout your body.

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Licensed Chiropractic Physician

The Objective of Chiropractic Adjustments

The objective of chiropractic adjustments is to reduce the subluxation, which is a condition in which the vertebrae move out of position, leading to misalignment of the spine. Misalignment can cause pressure on the nerve exiting the spinal cord, which can cause pain, numbness and other symptoms in your arms, legs, and other areas away from the spine. A subluxation can cause pain, tenderness, inflammation, and even decrease the mobility of your spine.

Dr. Matthew can alleviate symptoms, such as pain and numbness, in your neck, upper back, lower back, areas near the spine, hips, and even all the way down to your knees and ankles.

To perform the treatment, Dr. Matthew uses various techniques to manipulate the bones of the spine, known as vertebrae. These techniques involve the use of either their hands or a small handheld tool to apply a sudden, controlled thrust to a spinal joint.

In some cases, one chiropractic adjustment is enough to correct a problem and resolve mild symptoms. Those experiencing severe symptoms associated with subluxations or chronic problems, such as arthritis, may need ongoing care that involves return appointments with Dr. Matthew

Effective chiropractic adjustments require accurate evaluation and prompt care using safe, effective chiropractic techniques.

For more information about chiropractic adjustment contact Lions Chiropractic & Injury at (407) 951-5500.

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