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Why You Shouldn’t Wait to See A Chiropractor After An Auto Accident in Orlando, FL

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to See A Chiropractor After An Auto Accident in Orlando, FL

Car accidents can lead to whiplash, chronic pain and reduced quality of life. At Lions Chiropractic & Injury in Orlando, FL, we want our patients to understand the detrimental effect of whiplash, and how important it is to seek treatment after a car accident occurs. Knowing the warning signs of whiplash, as well as the length of time it can take for whiplash to display symptoms after an accident, can help you seek care after an accident occurs. Symptoms of Whiplash Can ...

How a chiropractor can help after a neck injury

How a chiropractor can help after a neck injury

If you suffer whiplash after a car accident or experience chronic neck strain from poor posture at work, our chiropractor at Lions Chiropractic & Injury can heal your injury naturally, without the use of medication. Learn what neck injuries we can treat and why to see a chiropractor if your neck is injured. Neck Injuries We Treat Your neck supports your head and twists and turns in a wide range of motion. Yet the bones that make up your cervical spine are qui...

Reasons to See our Chiropractor in Orlando for your Sciatica Pain

Reasons to See our Chiropractor in Orlando for your Sciatica Pain

Here at Lions Chiropractic & Injury in Orlando, our chiropractor is dedicated to helping you relieve your sciatica symptoms naturally. We do this by diagnosing the cause of your sciatica and creating a treatment program to heal your back injuries naturally. To Get a Complete Diagnosis from our Orlando Chiropractor Our Orlando chiropractor will diagnose the cause of your sciatic nerve pain and design a trea...

After an auto accident, visit a chiropractor

After an auto accident, visit a chiropractor

Auto Accident Injuries Cause Whiplash Whiplash is a common problem for car accident victims. However, many people suffering from whiplash fail to recognize the symptoms. Whiplash symptoms can be subtle and somewhat random, so that many people who suffer from whiplash don’t even know they’re injured. Some of the common symptoms of whiplash include: Pain Tenderness Limited mobility and range of motion Stiffness...

Our Orlando Chiropractor Offers Spinal Decompression After an Injury

Our Orlando Chiropractor Offers Spinal Decompression After an Injury

When you have a back or neck injury, damaged discs in your lower, mid or upper spine can put pressure on the surrounding nerves. This can lead to pain that does not go away, even with medication or other conventional treatment methods. Our Orlando chiropractor can help you find pain relief with non-surgical spinal decompression. Safe, Noninvasive Treatment for Back and Neck Pain Non-surgical spinal decompression helps take pressure off of affected nerves, which r...

3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Work-Related Injury

3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Work-Related Injury

  Accidents happen, even at work. If you’ve been injured on the job and are now experiencing neck pain, back pain, or some other dysfunction, it’s important to see a chiropractor as soon as you’ve been medically cleared by your physician. What Is a Work-Related Injury? Even people with desk jobs can sustain an injury at work! While individual factors vary–including location, severity, and type of injury–the most common work-re...

How Spinal Decompression Can Help Get You Back on Your Feet

How Spinal Decompression Can Help Get You Back on Your Feet

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression in Orlando Lions Chiropractic & Injury in Orlando offers spinal decompression for back pain relief and the healing of herniated discs, which can cause lower back pain and sciatica. Decompression Benefits at Lions Chiropractic & Injury. If you have chronic, moderate to severe back pain, spinal decompression at Lions Chiropractic & Injury may be able to help y...

Treating Whiplash after an Auto Accident

Treating Whiplash after an Auto Accident

Treating Whiplash Injury After Auto Accident with Orlando Chiropractor Whiplash injuries caused by auto accidents can lead hematomas, rupture ligaments, damaged blood vessels, pinched nerves, spine fractures, nerve damage, and additional injury to the joints if left untreated. It may even cause severe chronic headaches. Accident victims should see their primary care physician or a chiropractor as soon as possible to check for injuries. Even if you only suffer minor bruisin...

End of Summer Road Trip Safety

End of Summer Road Trip Safety

August is Peak Month for Car Accidents in Orlando Florida Planning one last road trip before Labor Day weekend? Watch out on the road! August is the most common month for car accident injuries. While you can’t avoid every fender bender or accident, you can reduce your risk for injury by being a defensive driver and following basic driving safety tips. Summer Road Safety Tips Be a defensive driver. Practice good defensive driving skills to help y...

Don’t Delay! Importance of Visiting a Chiropractor: After an Auto Accident

Don’t Delay! Importance of Visiting a Chiropractor: After an Auto Accident

Why You Want Immediate Chiropractic Care After An Auto Accident If you have been involved in an auto accident and are considering when to see a chiropractor, the answer is, yesterday, or the day before. We suggest seeing our experienced team immediately following a car accident to get on the road to healing fast. When an unexpected collision or impact occurs, soft tissues move in ways they would not ordinarily; resulting in trauma. While this trauma may not be apparent bas...

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